80 Day Obsession-Week 2!

And just like that Week 2 is done!
And I am still loving the program!
This morning I took some progress photos as this is the halfway point of Phase 1! I also did my measurements, but I just found my tape measure this weekend so no measurements at the very beginning, so those results will be coming! I was pretty excited to see a difference in my before and after photos at the 2 week mark! I have visibly lost inches and bloat!
What my pictures don't show is that I have become stronger!! This week I was able to increase my weights a bit and increase the resistance of the resistance loops! The workouts were tough this week because we changed it up a little. This week we did 3 sets of 10 rather than 2 sets of 15, and surprisingly the 3 sets of 10 felt so much harder!! I also thought the 2 cardio workouts went better, but still very tough for this non-cardio lover!
I think my biggest struggle this week was the weekend. I was able to stick to my meal plan for the most part, but my timing was pretty off! Part of that is because I sleep in a bit on Saturday and Sunday, which changes my schedule up a bit. I do get all my meals in, but I usually end up squeezing in my 3rd and 4th meals, so they're not quite the 2-3 hours like they should be.
The other struggle I had this weekend was fitting in my workout Saturday. I was out a little later than usual, so I was unable to fit my workout in Saturday. But, no worries....Sunday is my scheduled REST DAY, so I swapped them! I did my cardio workout Sunday and even fit in a little stretching!
I thought I'd take this time to explain the required equipment for this program: weights, resistance loops, and strength slides, You should have a variety of free weights/hand weights for this program because you'll need a different weights depending on the workout/move and because you'll be increasing your weights as the program progresses! I'm currently using 8lb, 10lb and 12lb weights. Resistance loops are exactly what they sound like-elastic loops with different resistance. We use these most during BOOTY day to work out butts! But they are also used to work the legs, and arms! As you progress through the program you will increase your resistance and even double up! I currently have a love-hate relationship with them, because they have a tendency to roll, which can be painful. But, I try and wear certain workout pants (less shiny) and take my time putting them on, which has definitely helped! Practice makes perfect! Finally the strength slides...these are used to to work the core. And do they ever!! In most cases you use them while in plank and put your feet on them or in a side-plan and put your feet on them. You then use your core to slide them over the floor (covers on for hard/shiny floors and covers off for carpeted). They are a little tough to get the hang of at first but they make for a great workout! You can also purchase a foam roller to for stretching and rolling out those sore muscles! And a yoga mat/cushion mat is always helpful!
On to WEEK 3!