80 Day Obsession Week 1!
Week 1 is DONE! And I am absolutely LOVING this program!
The first week of 80 Day Obsession involved 6 days of workouts and 1 rest day:
Day 1/Monday: Total Body Core
Day 2/Tuesday: Booty
Day 3/Wednesday: Cardio Core
Day 4/Thursday: AAA
Day 5/Friday: Legs
Day 6/Saturday: Cardio Flow
Day 7/Sunday: Rest Day or Roll & Release
My favorite workout of the week was AAA! What does AAA stand for you ask?! ARMS, ABS, and A$$! (Yes, you read that correctly haha!) I loved the combination of being able to work my arms (an area I'd like to tone up a bit), my core (can always use a stronger core), and my butt (who doesn't want a better butt?!) I thought the workout was fun and absolutely flew by!
My least favorite workout of the week was Cardio Core. I hate cardio with a passion, but I know it's important! As far as cardio workouts go it was a little fun (I get so bored just walking on the treadmill!), but I was definitely glad the two cardio workouts were only about 30 minutes! This was the first time we did this workout, so I would have liked a little more time to learn the moves and transition to the next move(s). I also would have liked to see the modifier more. I know this isn't quite a beginner program, but some of the moves were new and there modifications, but we barely saw the modifier. I am hoping this will improve as the program progresses!
Overall I enjoyed the workouts and can't wait to build on them this week! I'm still not quite looking forward to cardio, but I'll get there!
This was also the first week I gave the meal plan a try, specifically the timed nutrition part. Overall I thought it went well! I had a few slip-ups, but nothing major. A few days I forgot some food at home, but that can easily be fixed with better planning (yogurt for my pre-workout one day, and celery for my pre-workout another day). Another slip-up was having 2 blue containers (healthy fats) instead of having 1 like I'm supposed to. I had scheduled it for my lunch, but then halfway through making dinner I realized that the dinner I was preparing had cheese in it and I'd already had my cheese! But, I just rolled with it because that's what dinner was and life isn't perfect!
It took a few days to get the timing part down pat, but by the end of the week it went much smoother! I ate every 2.5-3 hours (recommended every 2-3 hours) and I found it very helpful! I wasn't hungry when I got home from work, which is usually when I pick at foods I shouldn't! The first few nights I felt hungry after my dinner, which was my last meal of the day, but around 9 pm I had a hot cup of green tea and that seemed to help. I'm thinking I wasn't really hungry, but most likely bored and was used to eating after dinner.
The program must be working because by Friday my jeans were feeling looser! I definitely lost some bloat, which is pretty exciting! I'm planning on focusing more on non-scale victories, clothes fitting better, needing new clothes, more energy, clearer skin, less cravings, etc. I can't wait to see how I feel once the 80 Days are over!